Breaking's cold!

Yesterdays high of 34 degrees was 24 degrees colder than normal. I'll take an average 58 any day but the cold is great news for Bogus Basin now in it's first real season of the snow making business.

Bogus has 24 snow guns and they've all been pumping out snow since Monday on the slopes under the Deerpoint Chair.

Yes it'll probably warm up again downtown but on the hill the temperatures should stay cold enough at night to sustain a base of artificial snow while waiting for mother nature to add her bounty.

The official opening date for Bogus Basin is December 7th but as anyone in the ski industry will tell you, being open over the Thanksgiving weekend is pure bonus time and money!

This is the first full season for snow making at Bogus and like Sun Valley, which uses it's snow making ability to open by Thanksgiving at least on the Warm Springs slopes, Bogus is geared to have skiers whisking down the Deerpoint trail on Turkey Day.

Obviously nothing is for sure in the ski business but snow-making abilities certainly increase the odds in skiers favor.

With all this skiing talk don't forget the 69th Annual Ski Swap at Expo Idaho is this weekend November 1-3.

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